Sunday, November 27, 2011


In you, I found my muse,
My life seems no more obtuse..

I has transformed to We,
My future with you is all I could see..

You give me a reason to write,
A glimpse of you, awaits my sight..

With you by my side, holding my hand,
I could whole day, sit on the sand..

Distance away from you brings us closer,
And maketh the bond even stronger..

Not the oath, but the hearts bind us together,
More than the words, the hearts talk ear to ear..

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who says you are..

Who says you are poor,
If you are embraced by your mother providing you a warm and cozy shelter..

Who says you are incapable,
If you can stand on your feet and make an effort to chase your goal..

Who says you are not perfect,
If what you did is just try to be the best..

Who says you are a liar,
If you wanted to bring a smile on one's face..

Who says you don't remember,
If you never forgot..

Who says you don't understand,
If what you did always is acknowledge..

Who says you don't care,
If you only had cared less..

Who says you don't love,
If you have made them cry..

Who says YOU ARE,
If only you know you are worth..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We'll meet again..

"Aachhhoooo", and then it all started.

Date: 20th July, 2011
Venue: Shhhh! :D


Where are you my mystery man?
Trying hard to see you again, see me if you can.

Your smile as a child,
Was so innocent and mild.

Your eager and deep eyes,
Swam in those ocean-like-eyes and realized time flies.

Those awkward moments thinking what to talk about,
Enjoyed the rendezvous throughout.

Finally the time arrived and you had to leave,
No please no, said my heart on sleeve.

Damn me! I thought,
Why this journey had to be so short?

"We'll meet again like one of these coincidences", you said.
Giving a sly smile, and saying "Sure!" was the best option I had.

At last, I thank God for all the beautiful coincidences in everyone's life.
And with that, enjoy this song: 

P.S. : This is/isn't a work of fiction for some.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Life indeed is beautiful my FRIEND!

After a long sabbatical, I'm back afresh to write a new post.

Lot of things have changed in and around me, yet everything seems to be constant and quite as a sea. Saw people coming in/going out of life, still there was a part of me which was the actual me and this requires a special mention of those special bunch of people in my life called FRIENDS, who, I should say, handled me well.

Caught up with some good old friends and understood the real essence of friendship. Met few friends so close over this unseen medium called the "Internet" and found them closer as ever. And felt that, good people do exist, near you or afar, irrespective of the fact you have met in person or not.

The small chit-chats with your best buddy when low, cheers you up like anything. Those long hours of oh-so-philosophical talks on the terrace, the sharing of those small bites of chocolate gives you immense happiness compared to visiting a completely alien place where you always wanted to go and end up missing your friend per se.

My idea of emotions have broadened by now as I was overflowing with them while going through a rough patch. Tears, laughter, joy, sorrow, confused, frustrated, just everything. But everything seems to sink when you have friends who make your life livable.

So my friend(s), this post is specially for you for tolerating all the idiosyncrasies, stupidest of behavior and standing by me through thick and thin and making my life beautiful :)